The Payara, also known as Dracula Fish, is a vicious killer inhabiting South American freshwater bass.
The bowfin, also called the mudfish or dogfish, is an ancient-looking fish that lives in the waters of North America, in particular, in the fresh water bodies.
The Esox belongs to the pike, pickerel, and muskellunge families, having the same attributes of sharp teeth and carnivorous behavior
Shark fish teeth are unique to shark fish, and profoundly used for the catching and tearing of their prey.
There is some information about them: Bluefish is the common name of a powerful, predatory fish from the northeast coast of America.
One such fish species that resides in the fresh waters of South America is the Black Piranha.
Moreover, the Wolf Fish, also known as the Giant trahira, is a predatory fish that inhabits freshwater, rivers and lakes, especially in Brazil.
Barracudas are predatory fish of tropical and sub tropical waters in several parts of the global seas.