The sheepshead fish or the convict fish Archosargus probatocephalus is one such species inhabiting the shores of the North and South American Atlantic seaboard. These fish have very incredible looking teeth that looks more like that used by man in a mouth, and these fish are always caught by both the recreational as well as the commercial fishers.

Sheepshead fish have a laterally compressed, oval shaped and rather deep body and a small blunt head. Their more noticeable aspect, in this regard, is that they have wide and flat teeth resembling human molars. The adults are silvery to greenish-yellow with olive on its upper half of the body and the juvenile has 5 or 6 distinct bars on its sides.
Similar Species
Some other related fishes of the sheepshead fish include the black drum or Pogonias cromis, and the Atlantic spadefish or Chaetodipterus faber. However, the sheepshead distinguishes from these species by its teeth and vertical bars on its body.
Size and Growth
Sheepshead fish is characterized by the maximum length of reaching 91 cm (35. 8 inches) as well as the maximum weight of 9. 6 kg (21. 2 lbs). They are sexually mature at a sober age of 2 years and their lifespan expectancy is 20 years on average1.

Sheepshead fish prefer to dwell at the coastal zones, structures like piers and jetties, mangrove swamps, and rocky bottom. They prefer areas with rich growth of plants and structures from where they can largely draw their sources of foods.
Sheepshead fish prefer the diet that contains numerous Crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish as their staple diet. They have very developed, sharp teeth, like human’s teeth, that allow the great white to capture and crush its prey like barnacles, crabs, and oysters.
Can We Eat Sheepshead Fish?
Indeed, sheepshead fish can be considered really tasty! They have a mild, somewhat candied taste which is very much like the shellfish since this fish feeds on crabs, snails, other kinds of crustaceans, and barnacles. This cut of meat is Characterized by its firm, moist, flaky texture that allows it to be developed with combination of grilling, baking, and deep frying or even roasting.
Although the sheepshead looks somewhat funny with its somewhat human like teeth and albeit their name, the creature is thoroughly edible and safe for human consumption if prepared correctly and cleaned appropriately. There are also relatively low in mercury content making them a far healthier product than some of the other fish.
Nutritional Benefits
Eaten by Sheepshead fish is healthy as they are found to possess high protein, omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin and Minerals. It is for this reason that crustaceans and mollusk form part of their diet since they are highly nutritious.
Additional Information about Sheepshead Fish
Sheepshead fish interesting not only in appearance and food choice, but they are also an important part of their environment. They assist in regulation of the number of Crustaceans and Molluscs and hence they balance the marine ecosystem.
Sheepshead Fishing
Sheepshead fishing entails fishing , with sheepshead fish being found both inshore and offshore. These fish are characterized with having hard crushing teeth; bait used on the fish is what attracts these fish especially those with preferences for crustaceans. Sometimes, people use live or cut bait as bait and fish areas that sheepshead are expected to feed including docks, piers, or jetties. Fashioned and admired for rich and different looking scales, the fish is also popular for its tender and delectable white flesh.

Sheepshead Bay Fishing
Sheepshead Bay located in Brooklyn New York is a place that provides both inshore, and offshore fishing. Along the shore, such fish species as striped bass, fluke-commonly known as summer flounder-, and sea bass can be caught. Deeper fishing? Go for the tuna, sharks or consist of cod on a deep sea fishing trip. Fishing is usually well done during the spring season and the autumn season since the water is more active.
Summer is also suitable, although the competition from other fishermen is also higher. Some of the fishing spots include Sheepshead Bay Marina, where people can get full services and also there are charter fishing boats available, and the Coney Island that are famous for surf fishing. Always, pay attention to the set laws in the area you intend to work and ensure that you acquire all the permits which may be necessary.
Again, appropriate equipment is essential, and the best shop for this is the local tackle shops. If you are a novice to the region, it is recommended to take a fishing charter to improve the chances of the catch as well as to bring the experience to new level.
Sheepshead Fish with Human Teeth
It is Ok for identification to make for a shocking and memorable sight especially since sheepshead fish have human-like teeth. Due to the arrangement of teeth in the mouth of a fish, one may find quite a resemblance to that of a molar, which results in funny and rather unconventional similes.

Sheepshead Fish Florida
Sheepshead fish are available in Florida notably around piers, jetties, and bridges. These fish are also characterized by an ability to have black and white stripes all over their tails giving them the appearance of little zebras when they are in water. Sheepshead fish are preferred by fishermen since they are often inconspicuous and very sumptuous to eat. It chiefly consumes crustaceans such as crabs and shrimps and to be specific, their robust teeth are used to break shells of the crustaceans. Sheepshead fish predominantly inhabit the warm water of Florida, and as a result, they are found in plenty and are normally targeted by fishermen.
Sheepshead Fish Location
Sheepshead fish prefer warmer waters of Atlantic Ocean, from Canada down to North of Florida, and the Gulf of Mexico. They like structure, like rocks, bottom structures, pier, mangroves, and reef regions, if there is plenty of food . This makes these fish to be in the shallow waters in the cold seasons and in deeper waters in the warmer seasons. This is why fish of all species type can easily be found by anglers since they are found in almost all parts of the world according to their ability to adapt to different environments.
Do Sheepshead Fish Bite Humans?
Sheepshead fish do not pose a threat for biting people. Some of them are withdrawn and are not comfortable with people. With teeth that resemble that of a human, they use them to crush shells of their prey such as crabs, shrimp and mollusks. Despite having powerful jaw muscles and sharpe teeth they include no danger to human beings and they will frankly swim away if disturbed. However, the dorsal fins are sharp and thus, the anglers should be careful when dealing with them.

Why Do Sheepshead Fish Have Human Teeth?
Sheepshead fish have human like teeth to help them to eat their preferred meals. They have sharp and broad incisors at the front used in catching and shaving, and molars at the rear used in pulverizing. Due to this dental structure they are capable of chiseling through the hard shells of crabs, shrimps, and other crustaceans. Their strong muscles are present in the form of jaws and the characteristic human like teeth due to which they are excellent hunters of shelled animals which form a significant portion of the diet.